Harry Potter 10 People George Weasley Could Have Been With (Other Than Angelina Johnson)
In the Harry Potter series, the Weasley twins are fan-favorite characters. Here are some characters George Weasley could have dated.

In the Harry Potter series, the Weasley twins are two fan-favorite characters. This made the untimely death of Fred Weasley one of the saddest moments in the series. While Fred might not have had a very long life, George did live on and eventually married Angelina Johnson.
While we sadly don’t know much about their relationship, they do seem like they would have made a great match. However, there are some other people Fred could also have dated.
10 Hannah Abbott

Hannah Abbot was a Hufflepuff in the same year at Hogwarts as Harry. She was a member of Dumbledore's Army and actually grew up to marry Neville Longbottom and became the landlady of the Leaky Cauldron.
While this is pretty endearing, the fact that both Geroge and Hannah were business people on Diagon Alley would have made them a good couple.
9 Susan Bones

Susan Bones is another of the less likely candidates on this list, but in a different version of the books, George could have been interested in her.
She was another student who was at Hogwarts the same time as Harry, and she also joined Dumbledore’s Army. Her family was also prominent in fighting against Voldemort, and she lost all of her extended family to Voldemort. This tragic backstory could have bonded these two.
8 Dean Thomas

Because we see the series through Harry’s perspective, many of the Hogwarts students we know most about were in Harry’s grade.
However, as George was only two years older than Harry, this wouldn’t be much of an age gap in adulthood. Dean Thomas was a kind and smart Gryffindor who George likely knew pretty well, and he would have provided a good balance to George’s more outlandish personality.
7 Hermione Granger

While George and Hermione didn’t get along particularly well in the books, this is a couple that some people shipped. Hermione often found Fred and Geroge too unruly and was often trying to keep them in line.
However, these two could have been an interesting pair and might have even gotten along better than Ron and Hermione given that George was a lot less emotional than Ron. Plus, Hermione did get to know all of the Weasley family well.
6 Neville Longbottom

Neville Longbottom might start out as a rather shy and unpopular student, but he becomes one of the fiercest fighters at Hogwarts against Voldemort's regime.
While we don’t see these two interact very often. However, given that they were both dedicated to the cause, they could have connected because of their similar values.
5 Harry Potter

While people often ship Harry with people like Draco or Luna, George and Harry would have made a good pair, too. These two usually got along pretty well, and Harry always supported the twins in their efforts to open a joke shop.
It’s clear that George respected and liked Harry a great deal, so Harry could have ended up with a different Weasley than Ginny.
4 Katie Bell

Katie Bell is another character who went to Hogwarts and was on the Quidditch team at the same time as George. These two would have worked together often because of this, and it seems like they were in the same group of friends as Katie was close to Angelina.
While we don’t know much about her, these two seem to have common interests.
3 Oliver Wood

Geroge Weasley and Oliver Wood would have been a surprisingly cute couple. While George often got annoyed with Oliver’s intensity when he was Quidditch captain, he and Fred did enjoy teasing him a lot.
While Oliver and George would probably have gotten under one another’s skin at times, George could have helped him relax and enjoy life a little. And Oliver could have helped George be a little more grounded.
2 Alicia Spinnet

Alicia Spinnet was another of Gryffindor's three Chasers along with Katie Bell and Angelina Johnson. So, she also would have known George quite well as they were both in Gryffindor and played on the team. She was also in George's circle of friends and a member of Dumbledore’s Army who fought at the Battle of Hogwarts.
So, they likely would have spent time together even after they left Hogwarts giving them the opportunity to get to know one another. However, in the books, George always had his eye on Angelina.
1 Lee Jordan

Perhaps the person that George was closest friends with and the second-best option for him to be with other than Angelina is Lee Jordan. Lee was best friends with the Wesley twins and often worked with them to pull pranks and break rules. George would have known him really well, and they could have been a cute couple.
At the very least, it’s unfortunate we didn’t learn more about Lee Jordan in the series as the character had a lot of potential.
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